Business start-up advice and grants of up to £50,000 are available to support
individuals affected by the Tata Steel UK transition that are looking to start
their own business or become self-employed.
Here’s your ten-point plan to help you access the business start-up support that
helps you build your understanding of business and access financial support. Let’s
get you started.
1. Check your eligibility. Have you been affected by changes at Tata Steel UK’s
Neath Port Talbot site? That includes employees, immediate family members
living in the same household, supply chain workers, or contractors. If so, you
may be eligible to apply.
2. Register your interest. Use the QR code and complete the enquiry form
on the dedicated Business Wales web page. You will be contacted by the
Business Wales team who will have an initial conversation with you and
complete your registration.
3. Gather information. Take some time to explore whether self-employment is
right for you. Your adviser will share resources and information about starting
a business, including business factsheets and step-by-step guides.
4. Build your business knowledge. Join our “Start your own business” webinar
or face-to-face workshop to help you consider whether your idea is viable and
build your business know-how to prepare a business plan. These sessions are
essential to understand what you need to do to start a business and get fit for
5. Prepare your business plan. Get organised! You will be allocated a business
adviser who will discuss what’s needed to complete the necessary plan, cash
flow forecast and gather relevant supporting documents you’ll need for your
6. Complete a funding application. When you’re ready, Business Wales will refer
you to Neath Port Talbot Council to access your unique application form for
the TSUK transition start-up funding. Your adviser can help talk through each
question and the terms of the grant to help you build a quality application.
Please read the guidance carefully as attention to detail goes a long way!
7. Submit your application. Once your application is all set, you will be asked to
submit your application to Neath Port Talbot Council including relevant quotes,
eligibility evidence and supporting business plan, as advised by Business Wales.
You’re almost there!
8. Follow up. Keep an eye on your application status and don’t hesitate to contact
Neath Port Talbot Council or your Business Wales adviser if needed. It’s always a
good idea to respond quickly to any requests for more information. Don’t forget
that we are here to support you through the process.
9. Accepting the grant. If successful, carefully read, sign and return the grant offer
agreement. Take time to understand the requirements of the grant you have
received, to make sure you understand the approach to completing your claim
form and evidence you will need to provide. Neath Port Talbot Council are on
hand to talk you through the process and Business Wales are available to discuss
alternate forms of start-up funding.
10. Keep in touch. Remember, you’re not alone! The first year in business is a huge
learning experience. Use the advisory services and attend regular
start-up network events available to help you stay on track.
Remember, in accepting public funding you are responsible for understanding the
terms of the grant funding agreement.