Former Youth Offending Team Building, Port Talbot

November 1, 2024

Former Youth Offending Team Building, Port Talbot

The project involves the refurbishment of a property known as The Youth Offending Team Building in Port Talbot. As part of the ongoing Regeneration Programme for Port Talbot, the Authority will undertake internal adaptions and refurbishment to create easily accessible, open plan, flexible office accommodation to further improve the Harbourside area and maintain vibrancy in this area of the town. The project is part funded by The Welsh Government’s Transforming Towns programme which supports projects that redevelop and improve town centres and encourages mixed use towns as places to live, work, visit and stay.

The former Youth Offending Team building (to be renamed) is currently a vacant, prominent building situated in Port Talbot town centre.

The building is situated at one of the main gateways to Port Talbot via the recently completed Harbour Way Road and is adjacent to the Harbourside strategic employment site area, as well as the redeveloped parkway train station and the Integrated Transport Hub. The building is also located directly next to the recently completed Harbour Court building (previously Port Talbot Magistrates Court) which has undergone a refurbishment as part of the Authority’s Buildings for the Future programme, part funded by WEFO and The Welsh Government.

The aim of this project is to redevelop the building into a facility that will provide flexible office accommodation, along with associated meeting and training rooms, thus providing employment opportunities, as well as attracting further economic investment to the area.

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